Monday, November 9, 2009

In yesterday's Gazette, Monique Beaudin of the column Green Life wrote about turning a new leaf.

It is a glorious autumn here in Montreal. The lush leaves we had in summer all turned gorgeous colors and fell to the ground.
Did you know that these leaves are the best mulch you can have for growing your grass, flowers and vegetables next year?
Monique Beaudin writes that "until last fall, a lot of that organic waste produced in Montreal used to go straight to the landfills where it would rot inside plastic bags and create gases that contributes to global warming. But, last September, the city (Montreal) announced that all 19 boroughs would start collecting yard waste twice a year too be composted, the first step in a plan to eventually collect all organic waste - including such items as food scraps...." (Find out how more about Montreal's plans to deal with green waste at

Mrs. Nosy would be very happy to hear these news.

Mrs. Nosy would also be very proud of the City of Cote St. Luc which already has implemented a whole program of collecting organic waste from most houses in Cote St.Luc.

Hello, I am a watercolor artist/illustrator in Montreal. My small contribution to saving the earth is my newly published booklet for children and adults: Mrs.Nosy - A composting Story -

It is a 24 page booklet, 6x9
Available through my e-mail address :
or my blog: - Can$12.95 or US$10.95 plus $5.- shipping
The French version will be soon available as an e-book.